
Steps to Early Retirement – Build Your Income Streams

This is a continuation of our series on Steps to Early Retirement. Please also see Part I – Setting a Budget and Part II – Determine Your Retired Living Expenses. Crafting an early retirement plan involves the harmonic interweaving of multiple components. During pre-retirement, we have a long period of asset buildup, which basically involves [...] Read more

Steps to Early Retirement – Determine Your Retired Living Expenses

In a previous article we looked at creating a budget for your pre-retirement life, as it’s the first crucial step in going down the early-retirement path. At this point we’re going to skip ahead a few years. I say a few optimistically, because it sounds emphatically better than saying, Let’s skip ahead 26 years to when you may finally be able to [...] Read more

Steps to Early Retirement – Setting a Budget

Since I’m now getting serious about retiring early, the first step is to formulate a master plan on how to get there. Everything I’ve learned so far tells me that there is a simple formula on how to achieve early retirement: Spend less money now + earn more income however you can + invest the difference = NO MORE BOSS. Over time, your savings will [...] Read more

Getting Serious About Early Retirement

Lately, I’ve done a lot of reflecting on the first post I ever wrote for InterestingMoney. In that (short) post, I wrote about my longer-term goals. Specifically, I mentioned that my purpose in founding InterestingMoney was to track progress toward a single, specific goal. Here’s the first paragraph that I wrote here, back in 2007: Alright, so my [...] Read more

Site Goals

Alright, so my goal for this site is to keep track of my journey toward financial freedom. What is financial freedom? Good question. The answer varies, of course, but one answer is the ability to live comfortably off one’s interest earning without touching the principal investment. This is a lofty goal – one that I will not achieve for quite a [...] Read more